Monday, 6 April 2020

Mood Enhancing Breath

Mood Enhancing Breath
Our health & well-being depend on our breath. Breathing is the first thing we do when we enter the world, it’s even more important than the food we eat. All of us can last days without food, but only minutes without breath. In yoga teachings the breath is considered our first nourishment. During extraordinary times we may find ourselves holding our breath, choked with overwhelming feelings of anxiety or despair. Or, we may feel turbulent emotions trapped inside us. At such times it can be impossible to sit quietly & focus on our breathing. Combining movement with breath gives our busy mind something to do & can alleviate, or at least dampen, our agitation, anxiety, or despair. Here are three practices to try out. These practices are short & simple & can be done at any time. They work particularly well in the morning & I often use them to set myself up for the day. Remember to be patient with yourself - you may not feel the benefits immediately but keep going. Finally, don’t try too hard. If these practices don’t feel right, leave them. There are plenty of others to explore. Namaste, Leila

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