Monday, 13 April 2020

Against the Wall

When we need to remain inside, contained within the walls of our homes, we can use these walls to improve our sense of stability & to add variety to our yoga routine.

In these two stretches we explore stretching with our back against the wall & then facing the wall. When we stand against a wall we can notice, as when we’re lying down, the parts of the body that are touching the wall. 

Encourage the whole body to draw towards the wall, so that the weight settles more into the back body. It does not matter if your head is not touching the wall. Instead focus on moving the top of the head towards the sky. And, while we stay here, allow the body to settle there. Feel the support of the wall and focus on your breath.
Standing still here, for a moment or two, while we maintain our attention just on our body & just on our breath, not letting our mind run away. Body, breath & mind all working together for greater stability, the essence of yoga.

When we stretch the arms up overhead in a higher mountain position we can feel the increased length in the sides of the body and the ribcage moving away from the pelvis, creating space and energy in the body. Breathe more fully to enhance those feelings.

In the second stretch, remember to keep the legs active & the back of the head in-line with the spine. Experiment with the distance between the wall & the feet. If there’s mild discomfort in the lower back it may be helpful to turn the toes in a little bit.

Stay here for a few moments, breathing in & pressing into the hands when you are ready to come out of the pose. Before you continue with your day, pause & notice how you feel now.



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