Sunday, 29 March 2020

A Mountain Meditation

We live in extraordinary & uncertain times, with many of us suffering from anxiety and helplessness. Here is a simple meditation to help us manage such feelings.

We are creatures of habit, what we practice, we become. If we practice being calm, we become calm.

You might like to pause for a moment & remind yourself of something you excel at, a skill that is highly developed. Maybe you can drive well, design & knit a jumper or even run a marathon. But how did you achieve this level of ability? Most probably through hours of practice (and overcoming a few set-backs along the way).

So, although acquiring a new skill is not easy, everyone can do it. We can develop the inner skills of stability, calmness & tranquillity. It will require effort & time, but isn't it worth it?

We live with ourselves 24/7, there has never been a better time to befriend our mind. We have little control of the outer world, but we can learn to manage our mind, enhancing our ability to stay grounded no matter what is going on around us.

This meditation is one I have been using for many years. I hope you find it helpful.


Thursday, 26 March 2020

Simply Standing

In this short, 5 minute practice, I discuss the fundamental physical & mental benefits of standing well.
It is surprising how even doing something as simple as standing with better posture can help relieve some aches and pains. But also, standing well can help us feel more connected to our surroundings, reduce stress, help us feel more confident and more at peace with ourselves and the world.